My awesome yoga teacher once advised me about some physical ailments I was having, to try and observe and address the pain and ailment without the emotional attachments. This reminder gets at the crux of our health and identification. Stuff is happening, but what are we emotionally attaching to that stuff? In essence, whatever "that" is, is the pain itself. Not necessarily the neuron signals, but how we interpret them emotionally. So if we can identify the emotions, we're on the road to recovery, by addressing the fear factor. This week was particularly hard to practice this belief... but at least I had his words in my head as a mantra so as not to get completely lost in the emotions, and dive into utter despair. When health is compromised, it makes you think of lots of things, mortality on many different levels, and brings images you've known to mind. Again, same yoga teacher in class yesterday, also told us a story that reminds me in this context, that perhaps those feelings of mortality are not misguided. It's just, not necessarily of the whole being. It's more about, what part of you needs to die?... And thus give way to another rebirth. That's my mantra for today.
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